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> The Latest News On Mental Health

Taking care of your health

Early life stress is associated with youth-onset depression

15 July 2020

Individuals who were exposed to early life stress were likely to develop depression when they became adults according to lead author Joelle LeMoult, a researcher at the University of British Columbia.

Broken heart syndrome rises during the COVID-19 Pandemic

9 July 2020

Stress cardiomyopathy occurs in response to physical/emotional distress which causes failure in the heart muscle. The main cause being that COVID-19 has brought multiple levels of stress in people across the globe due to illnesses, family loss, economic issues, and isolation.

Unexpected illnesses have been found in a rare genetic disorder

25 June 2020

Patients had a "double hit" condition that contained of a combination of premutation disorder and fragile X syndrome which alerted the need for clinicians to consider patients with both psychological and fragile X disorders.

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